Common Misconceptions about Flood Insurance

Floods can occur almost anywhere in Texas at almost any given time. With flood insurance from LeapFrog Insurance, you can protect your San Antonio, TX home from flood disasters. Misconceptions about flood insurance may make you hesitant to obtain this valuable coverage. Here are some common misconceptions you should be aware of so you don’t miss out on getting the protection you need.

Misconception: Home insurance covers flood damage.

Home insurance covers water damage from leaky pipes or other plumbing issues. It doesn’t, however, cover flooding. If your San Antonio, TX home floods due to rising river waters or storm surge, home insurance will not pay for the damage. That’s why you need flood coverage.

Misconception: Flood insurance is only for people who live in a flood zone.

Almost any property can be subject to flooding. According to FEMA, over 20% of flood claims in the country come from people who don’t live in high-risk flood areas. Many Texas cities are prone to flooding and San Antonio is no exception. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your costly home investment.

Misconception: There’s no rush to purchase flood coverage. You can wait until the rainy season to get a policy.

The longer you wait, the greater your risk of suffering from a flood disaster. Floods can and have occurred suddenly, without much warning. In addition, flood insurance doesn’t go into effect immediately after purchasing. There’s usually a waiting period of 30 days before your protection begins. By purchasing your policy in advance, you can be prepared for this untimely disaster.

Misconception: Only homeowners can purchase flood coverage.

Flood coverage is available for home and condo owners, business owners, and renters for the protection of personal belongings.

To purchase your flood policy, call or visit LeapFrog Insurance today.