Two Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent When Shopping for Life Insurance

Get the Right Life Insurance to Secure Your Family’s Future

Life insurance is more than just an insurance policy; it is a means to protect your family against financial struggles in your absence. Life insurance is paramount if your loved ones depend on your income or require your support for their well-being. At LeapFrog Insurance, we offer various life insurance policies in San Antonio, TX, to cater to your unique needs and provide your family the timely financial support they need most.

Key Questions to Guide Your Life Insurance Shopping

Deciding on the right life insurance can be tricky. Here are a few crucial questions to aid your policy selection:

Which type of life insurance is Suitable for my needs?

Life insurance policies are not one-size-fits-all. They come in various types, and each has its own functioning. For instance, term life insurance provides coverage for a specific duration. In the unfortunate event of your demise within the active policy term, your policy disburses a death benefit. Based on the policy specifics, the benefits can either deplete over time or remain constant. On the other hand, permanent life insurance grants a death benefit regardless of your age or how long you’ve had the policy, provided the premiums are timely paid.

How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

Your life insurance coverage depends on your financial objectives. You might be concerned about a dependent who requires your support, or you might want to secure funds for your spouse to manage mortgage payments after your demise. Our insurance agents at LeapFrog Insurance can discuss your goals and guide you to determine the coverage level you need.

Ensure your family’s financial stability with life insurance. Reach out to LeapFrog Insurance in San Antonio, TX, to embark on your life insurance journey today.